*** Andy Steere's Radio-Controlled (R/C) Aircraft Page ***
This page is dedicated to my latest hobby... Radio-Controlled Airplanes.
I have always had an interest in aviation. My uncle flew B-17's during
World War II, my father worked at an airport when he was young and among
other duties helped to start airplane engines (by HAND!), and my great
aunt was a very close friend of Gen. Jimmy Doolittle. At the
impressionable age of 5, my first airplane ride (mid-1960's,
Ozark Airlines DC-3, violent turbulence that had my parents scared to
death and most passengers airsick) concluded with me having the
biggest grin on my face that my parents had ever seen and profusely
thanking the pilot over and over for what a great flight that was!
When I was 12, I flew Control-Line gas-powered airplane models (also
known as U-Control airplanes). In college, I took a couple introductory
flights at the local airport's flying school and did 95% of all
my ground instruction. Lack of sufficient income kept me from
getting my private pilot's license back then, and family
responsibilities have kept me grounded since. As an off-shoot to my
computer hobby, I easily have over 10,000 hours of flight simulator
time on various aircraft (starting with Apple's flight-simulator back
in the mid-1970's, through about every simulator created since then).
I was ripe to get involved with R/C when my then 14-year-old son decided
that was something he might like to try. Not planning to get seriously
into it myself (ha ha ha), we purchased a trainer airplane setup and
proceeded to both take lessons from a local instructor. Well...
needless to say... I was BIT big time by the hobby! My son enjoys it,
but has plenty of other things he likes doing too (recent college graduate now).
For me, this is an acceptable substitute for flying full-sized
airplanes. If I crash one of the R/C planes, I will be sad, but at
least I will live to build and fly another.
The sections listed below are in approximate time order from when I started taking pictures of my planes, most recent at the top.
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 06/08/2008 LAST-FLIGHT: ??/??/???? (currently flying))
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 01/19/2008 LAST-FLIGHT: 06/18/2008 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 08/16/2004 LAST-FLIGHT: 10/04/2008 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 03/30/2007 LAST-FLIGHT: 06/23/2007 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 11/19/2006 LAST-FLIGHT: 02/16/2008 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 05/07/2006 LAST-FLIGHT: 10/08/2006 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 04/09/2006 LAST-FLIGHT: 07/23/2006 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 03/06/2006 LAST-FLIGHT: ??/??/???? (Currently flying))
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 12/26/2005 LAST-FLIGHT: 03/25/2006 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 11/10/2005 LAST-FLIGHT: 02/26/2006 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 11/04/2005 LAST-FLIGHT: 11/26/2005 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 09/14/2005 LAST-FLIGHT: 07/03/2006 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 06/24/2005 LAST-FLIGHT: 10/18/2008 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 02/12/2005 LAST-FLIGHT: 06/19/2005 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 11/20/2004 LAST-FLIGHT: 07/07/2006 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 10/03/2004 LAST-FLIGHT: 06/26/2005 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 08/22/2004 LAST-FLIGHT: 09/10/2004 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 06/23/2004 LAST-FLIGHT: 12/02/2004 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 05/03/2004 LAST-FLIGHT: 10/08/2005 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 08/24/2003 LAST-FLIGHT: 06/26/2004 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 08/16/2002 LAST-FLIGHT: 10/04/2008 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: 05/05/2002 LAST-FLIGHT: July-2002 )
(FIRST-FLIGHT: June 2001 LAST-FLIGHT: mid-2004, but mostly ready to fly)
(FIRST-FLIGHT: March 2001 LAST-FLIGHT: May-2001 (crashed/destroyed)
(FIRST-FLIGHT: March 2001 LAST-FLIGHT: mid-2002 (Ready-to-Fly)
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©COPYRIGHT NOTICE: You are granted permission to view these images while accessing these web pages, but I retain all rights to the images and they may not be used for any other purpose without my permission.
Copyright 2002-2007 - Andy Steere
Last modified on 04/09/2009

since July 15, 2002.